Monday, September 25, 2017


Functions of some cell organelle:
1.      Nucleus: Control center of the cell. Contains DNA which directs the synthesis of  
      proteins by the cell.
2.      Mitochondria: Carries on the process of cell respiration by converting glucose to 
      ATP energy.
3.  Ribosome: Found on the endoplasmic reticulum and free within the cell. 
Responsible for the synthesis of proteins for the cell.
4.  Endoplasmic reticulum: Transport channels within the cell.
5.  Food vacuole: stores and digests food.
6.  Lysosomes: Contain digestive enzymes. Breaks down substances in the cell.
7. Contractile vacuoles: Pumps out wastes and excess water from the cell.
8.  Cell membrane: Selectively regulates the materials moving to and from the cell.
 9.  Chloroplast: Found only in plant cells and algae. Contains chlorophyll (the green   
     coloring substance in plants) which carries on the process of photosynthesis.
10. Cell wall: Surrounds and supports plant cells. Only in plants. The cell wall is formed  

     from the cell plate during cell division.

  • If you see centriole and centrosome in a question, think of an animal cell. They occur only in animal cells and they are involved in cell division where they produce spindles.
  •  If you see cell plate and chloroplasts in a question, think of a plant cell. They occur only in plant cells.


1. A student was looking at a cell under the microscope and noticed that centrosomes were present. Which   type of cell was the person looking at?
       A. Bean cell
       B. Carrot cell
       C. Cat cell
       D. Cabbage cell

2. A certain drug inhibited the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). This drug acted on which of the  following organelle?
       A. Endoplasmic reticulum
       B. Nucleus
       C. Mitochondrium
       D. Ribosmes

3. A student was looking at a cell under the microscope and noticed that chloroplasts were present. Which  type of cell was the person looking at?
       A. Dog cell
       B. Mouse cell
       C. Cat cell
       D. Cabbage cell

4. Nucleus is to DNA as chloroplast is to _________________ .
       A. RNA
       B. Plant
       C. ATP
       D. Chlorophyll

5. The genetic blueprint of life can be found in which of the following structure?
       A. Endoplasmic reticulum
       B. Nucleus
       C. Mitochondrium
       D. Ribosmes

6. Which of the following is not involved in protein synthesis?
      A. Endoplasmic reticulum
       B. Nucleus
       C. Mitochondrium

       D. Ribosmes

1. C. Cat cell (Centrosomes occur only in animal cells)
2. C. Mitochondrium (Mitochondrium is involved in ATP production so inhibiting it will lead to decreased production)
3. D. Cabbage cell (Chloroplast is found only in plant cells)
4.  D. Chlorophyll
5. B. Nucleus (Nucleus contains the DNA, the genetic blueprint of life)
6. C. Mitochondrium

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